A sacred space to dive into your universe

Welcome to Blue Pearl Healing

Energy Healings


Transmutation of Collective Memories

The transmutation of collective memories is an express energy healing which enables you to let go of what is on the surface of the energy structure, allowing the activation of and an alignment with your universal energy. 

It’s free!

Energy Healing 1:1

The one to one session is a deep healing process that can incorporate any aspect of your choice. The intention of this healing is to invite your universal energy to manifest through you in this precise dynamic.

Group Energy Healing

Energy healing in a group setting is a deeper healing process where we visit deeper aspects of the being. The resonance between participants creates a very powerful and transformative process. 

Group Quantum Healing

The quantum healing in group setting is a process where you enjoy the best of both options, the deep inner work and the powerful resonance of a group.



Some Testimonials

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« It is with deep joy that I accompany you into your unknown-self, in order to regain your integrity and deepen your relationship to your essence in your life. »

— Mathilde Miller Ferri, Energy Coach and Quantum Healer

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I invite you to join me in the Blue Pearl Healing community!