My Service

Hi! I’m Mathilde, Energy Coach and Quantum Healer

As the energy field can be so infinite and abstract, I would like to share with you a little about my approach. I have to admit that for a long time I struggled to express in words exactly what I do, the mysticism behind what truly happens often defies explanation. What has been discovered in science and quantum physics so far, is barely the tip of the iceberg. We are only just beginning to comprehend our inter-relationship with the universe and its creative force.

It’s an exciting time to live in!

My personal path of healing has brought me to directly experience this interrelationship with the universe and its creative force. Contacting the innate energetic intelligence and learning to surrender to this universal energy has allowed for paths of rapid personal transformation. We all possess this capacity and possibility to connect with the universal energy and invite it to awaken within us, allowing it to operate for us and to open situations in our life that once felt contracted and difficult, into expansion and ease. This is the path of the essence. 

My work is to accompany you on your path of connecting with the essence, as you invite it in and let it act inside of you. I’m in love with this kind of in-depth work, to witness the people who consult me developing a relationship with the essence. To witness people going from a contracted and conflicted state to an energetic openness that is palpable in the very fabric of their life. To witness this deep inner alignment to the universal energy allowing contact with inner resources, guiding towards conscious choices that bring lightness, flexibility and expansion back. To witness that simply inviting the essence into a deep level of your energetic structure, the situation becomes smooth and effortless. This is quantum healing work. 

It’s at this moment that you start experiencing the creative force of the universe, to familiarize yourself with it and to deepen your understanding of mastering your own life.

I also want to make you aware that the path towards connecting with the essence will inevitably put you in contact with rejected and unloved parts of yourself. Bringing these rejections and unloved aspects out of our unconscious can be destabilizing. The body and the mind want to protect us from the traumas and painful emotions by pushing the information deeply back in the subconscious. Waves of emotions, cerebral activity and physical discomfort may arise temporarily.  This gives an opportunity to integrate wholeness, where a huge potential of untapped creative force exists. It is important to be conscious of this aspect before starting a process, because what has been illuminated cannot be unseen. 

Every situation is unique. The complexity of the paths taken to bring a situation back to point zero cannot be judged or compared. To resume the ‘point zero’, means returning to the central point between your negative and positive magnetic charge, integrating both poles in order to activate the universal energy and creative force.

We work together to live this process of inviting the essence with acceptance, presence and benevolence towards whatever is, in order for you to develop this autonomous relationship with yourself, welcoming all forgotten parts. And in this way, you become the master of your life. 

In order to achieve this, I need you to commit to yourself in this process. It is absolutely necessary that you allow your energy to fully participate. You become the creator, and only you can decide how deep you will dive into this process.

I’m filled with joy and very honoured to accompany you on this path!

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With love,