My Path

 Hi! I’m Mathilde Miller Ferri

I would like to share with you the path that has brought me to do this energetic healing work. 

It’s quite something!

As a little girl, my sensitivity and perception of my environment was already acute. From the very beginning, I grew up with a passion for interaction and development of human beings. As soon as I turned 18, I started expanding my outer world, travelling through many countries with a craving and hunger for discovery. I wished to contribute to the improvement of the human condition, so in my early twenties I started my studies in languages and international studies at university, with a particular interest for international law and human rights.

However life had a different plan for me. After my degree, I took a year off to understand and strengthen myself before officially starting my life in the political sphere. 

During that year, I enrolled in a Yoga teacher training program in Nepal. Everything changed from there, not because of yoga, but because of an American meditation teacher that appeared in my course. 

I’m sure my soul asked for it!

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This meditation teacher knew an energy initiation called the Shaktipat, a type of activation on the forehead. At my first initiation, I entered a transcendental state right away. I felt like I was sitting at the centre of myself inside a vast inner universe. It was extraordinary, and also ironically, ordinary. Rationally I knew it was the first time I was experiencing something like this, but on a more profound level, I was aware of this place already. 

After my yoga training I met again with this teacher, and he introduced me to a Yogi living at the Pashupatinath Temple in Kathmandu. We decided to go together to his Ashram on the top of the Shivapuri mountains, surrounded by the Himalayas. It was an incredible sight!

One night there, during an eye-to-eye meditation with Yogi Susil, I experienced a Kundalini awakening. It’s only now that I can tell you what it was, because at that time I had no idea. A sexual energy activated itself in my lower belly. I was quite shy about it, even ashamed because I couldn’t understand its nature. I observed it, and all of a sudden, in a fraction of a second, it went all the way up to my head creating a sensation of ecstasy. I kept this experience to myself, feeling very confused about it. The following days, the Yogi often repeated to me that my Kundalini was very strong, but I still had no idea what that meant.

All along this journey in Nepal, I received numerous Shaktipat, without consideration of an eventual saturation. I was naively taking everything that was offered to me.

After my yoga training I met again with this teacher, and he introduced me to a Yogi living at the Pashupatinath Temple in Kathmandu. We decided to go together to his Ashram on the top of the Shivapuri mountains, surrounded by the Himalayas. It was an incredible sight!

When I arrived back to Montreal, the change of direction began. Instead of going back to politics, I signed up for my first training, Holistic Kinesiology. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into and I almost ran away the first weekend, my rational mind couldn’t get a grip of it. Nonetheless, I continued. I couldn’t ignore the calling.

During this first training, I quickly realized that helping humanity starts with helping yourself. Being somebody quite intense, I dove radically into this path. I learned to my detriment what it was to open too many energetic doors at once, without respecting the necessary rhythm and preparation behind the process of spiritual and personal self-growth. 

Consequently, after all the Shaktipat received, the Kundalini awakening and the exhaustive personal dig, I literally blew up. I ended up completely open and unprotected energetically, with a deep knowledge of many traumas and their impact on my life at that moment. My empathic capacities and energetic healing abilities revealed themselves. I wished for a long time to be able to put them back in a box, but it wasn’t possible. I wasn’t at all prepared to integrate them into my daily life. It was the most stressful and unstable period I have ever experienced. My solution was to isolate myself, I was way too sensitive and hyperconnected to my environment; I was constantly being brought into a state of unbalanced energetic integrity.


During this chaotic period I still had the motivation to proceed in the direction of saving myself, so I enrolled in four other trainings, Spiritual Hypnosis, Biological Decoding, Master Reiki and how to use DNA protocols and the Point Zero with the Institute of Kishori Aird. 

So, over a period of about 3 years, the practice of auto-hypnosis was helping me to lower my cerebral waves in order to consult my subconscious and reprogram it positively. I used biological decoding to understand the symptoms of my body and to progressively regain homeostasis. With my learning and understanding of the universal energy through Reiki, I accompanied myself energetically. And finally, with the use of DNA protocols and the understanding of the ‘point zero’, I started the path of consciously inviting the essence in all parts and layers of my being.

From the beginning of this process, I started to channel the energy that was running  through me. Sometimes it would last hours, even full days, over a period of more than a year. Sometimes, the channeling was hitting me so hard that I had to lay down immediately, I would go into a trance state for some hours, God knows where; but my direction has always been clear, to ground all this energy.  

I was living this process with a lot of devaluation because it was cutting me from the outside world, but my inner world had started to flourish. I wouldn’t have changed the beginning of this relationship with my essence for anything in the world. 

It sounds intense, and it was. 

I carried so much judgment of myself going through this process, I believed all along that I was a psychiatric case. All of these aspects that were awoken in me all at once were simply too much for the mind and nervous system to hold. As much as I don’t recommend to anybody to go through what I’ve been through and I would always recommend reaching out for appropriate care, I always had the strongest inner resolution that I had to do this on my own, without any intervention.

Now that the storm has passed, I can say that I have a lot of gratitude for what it brought to me. I had to learn to completely surrender to this process that was greater than me. I learned to have faith.

Now that the storm has passed, I can say that I have a lot of gratitude for what it brought to me. I had to learn to completely surrender to this process that was greater than me. I learned to have faith.

With time the process became more comfortable, and progressively I was able to get back to my social and professional life. The channeling was taking up less space and I was managing it better. Most importantly, I started enjoying the fruits of my labor. My energy was transforming, everything was transforming, my environment, my relationships and also my relational mode within relationships; I began to embody the full power of creativity in my life.

The embodiment of my creative power will always be an ongoing process. With humility, I often have to remind myself of the cycles of contraction and expansion; to deepen my benevolence, compassion and acceptance towards everything that I am in this present moment. For me, this is the path of the essence. 

I share with you this rather explicit resumé of my path because I sincerely believe that it shows the potential of the energetic healing work I practice. I can offer you only what I have experienced and integrated from it. It is with deep joy that I accompany you into your unknown-self, in order to regain your integrity and deepen your relationship to your essence in your life.